Teaching culture is possible but when do we teach that? Students must have some fundamental skills of the target language, for example some abstract vocabulary like 'culture', 'tradition', and 'superstition' in order to explain and understand the meaning of the culture.
I have heard "teaching a language is to teach its culture"; however, it is hard to find a point to start with and we don't know how much each student can absorb. My solution is before we teach our students the culture of the target language, we should learn the cutltures that our students are from. By doing so, teachers can assess how much their students know about their own culture. Once we learn each student's culture, learn the way that they explain their custom, tradition, symbol, and the langauge that they address, we can introduce the new culture by applying the similar language useages some students have addressed and using students' examples of their tradition. How much do we know about our own culture? Culture cannot be taught. We can share our clutures with our students.
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